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For file and directory naming use only alphanumeric characters without special characters such as quotes, punctuation marks, characters with diacritics, spaces, slashes and the like. Underscores (_) and hyphens (-) can be used. For further guidance have a look at the recommendations from IANUS.



You are strongly encouraged to provide the resources in standard formats adopted by the respective research communities. We will support you in converting the data if this is necessary and feasible.

Suitable formats should be widely in use and, if possible, be in compliance with open and non-proprietary standards. Files should not be password protected, encrypted or compressed in a lossy way. If files depend on references to other files, fonts, or other external data, these objects should be deposited as well, or at least described in e.g. a plain text README file. Whenever a choice for encoding is possible choose UTF-8 without the byte order mark (BOM) (see [FAQ]).

If file conversions become necessary, potential loss of information should be minimised. If lossless conversion into an open or recommended format cannot be achieved the original files will be kept together with the converted versions.

The preferred format for annotated textual data in our repository is TEI/XML (Text Encoding Initiative) with metadata in teiHeaders. Additionally, all language resources have to be described in CMDI (Component Metadata Infrastructure), automatically generated based on the ARCHE metadata. For an overview of recommended standard formats, please consult the CLARIN standards recommendations.

For other formats which are not covered in the CLARIN standards, for general text formats, and media formats, please refer to the table for preferred and accepted formats provided by ARCHE. The table is based on the formats listed at IANUS and at the Archaeology Data Service.

Preferred and accepted formats in ARCHE (08. 2017). Preferred formats are suitable for long-term preservation. Accepted formats require conversion.

csvComma-Separated Valuespreferred
dbfdBase database fileaccepted
dbfdBase database fileaccepted
siardSoftware Independent Archiving of Relational Databasespreferred
xmleXtensible Markup Languagepreferred
fp5, fp7, fmp12FileMaker Databasesaccepted
bakbinary export formats for databasesaccepted
accdbMicrosoft Access Databasesaccepted
dbbinary export format for databasesaccepted
dmpbinary export formats for databasesaccepted
jsonJavascript Object Notationaccepted
mdbMicrosoft Access Databasesaccepted
odbOpen Document Databasesaccepted
xlsMicrosoft Excelaccepted
odsOpen Document Formatpreferred
sqlStructured Query Languagepreferred
tsvTab Separated Valuespreferred
xlsxOffice Open XML Workbook (Microsoft)preferred
dxfDrawing Interchange Format (Autodesk)accepted
jpg, jpegJoint Photographic Expert Groupaccepted
pngPortable Network Graphicsaccepted
svgScalable Vector Graphis 1.1, uncompressedpreferred
tif, tiffBaseline TIFF v. 6, uncompressedpreferred
ai, inddAdobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesignaccepted
bmpBit-Mapped Graphics Format (Microsoft)accepted
cgmComputer Graphics Metafile, WebCGMaccepted
dwfDesign Web Format (Autodesk)accepted
dwgDrawing (Autodesk)accepted
eps, psPostScript, Encapsulated PostScriptaccepted
jp2, jpxJPEG2000accepted
psdPhotoshop (Adobe)accepted
dngAdobe Digital Negativepreferred
gifGraphics Interchange Formataccepted
aacAdvanced Audio Codingaccepted
aiffAudio Interchange File Formataccepted
asfAdvances Systems Format (ASF/WMV)accepted
aviAudio Video Interactiveaccepted
mj2Motion JPEG 2000accepted
movQuickTime File Formataccepted
mxfMaterial eXchange Formataccepted
ogg, ogm, ogv, ogx, spxOggaccepted
wmaWindows Media Audioaccepted
wmvAdvanced Systems Format (ASF/WMV)accepted
bwfBroadcast Wave Formatpreferred
flacFree Lossless Audio Codecpreferred
wavWaveform Audio File Formatpreferred
htmlHyperText Markup Languagepreferred
pdfother PDF variantspreferred
txtPlain Textpreferred
docMicrosoft Wordaccepted
maffMozilla Archive Formataccepted
rtfRich Text Formataccepted
sxcOpen Office XMLaccepted
docxOffice Open XML Document (Microsoft)preferred
dtdDocument type definitionpreferred
htm, htmlHyperText Markup Languagepreferred
mht, mhtmlMIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documentspreferred
odtOpen Document Formatpreferred
sgmlMarkp Textpreferred
xht, xhtmlExtensible HyperText Markup Languagepreferred
xsdXML Schema definitionpreferred
objWavefront .obj filepreferred
plyPolygon File Format, Stanford Triangle Formatpreferred
x3deXtensible 3D Graphicspreferred
stlStandard Tessellation Languageaccepted
u3dUniversal 3D Formataccepted
vrmlVirtual Reality Modeling Languageaccepted



Metadata should answer basic questions regarding your data allowing others to understand, discover, and share the data. Good metadata provides information about how the data was produced, who was involved in its creation, and what the data is about. Using metadata is an essential part in complying to the FAIR Data Principles, to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (see [FAQ]).

Metadata can cover different levels like collection-level, file-level and even data unit-level description. Ideally metadata is implemented accurately and as completely as possible making use of a standard format. The Archaeology Data Service and IANUS provide format agnostic collection-level metadata which can be applied to all types of domains. Additionally in the respective sections of IANUS’ IT-Empfehlungen file-level metadata is presented, which in general is more technical and heavily depends on the data type and the methods used.

The metadata required when depositing in ARCHE is explained in the table for metadata requirements. At ARCHE additional project-level metadata is used alongside collection-level and file-level metadata. Mandatory fields required by ARCHE are marked as such, but using recommended fields is essential for increased findability, understandability and citability of data. ARCHE’s OWL-format metadata schema is annotated with extensive documentationis also available in a tabular representation.

Properties are listed for projects, collections and resources.
m = mandatory, r = recommended, o = optional, and * = property can be used multiple times.



Important Information

Collection Policy
Collection Policy

Scope of collections, evaluation, and storage duration


Deposit Resources
Deposit Resources

Information on the deposition process, data transfer, archiving, and publication


Deposition Agreement
Deposition Agreement

Legal agreement between ARCHE and depositors



Answers to frequently asked questions and practical tips for depositors
